Who We Are
This team was started in 2019 by a small group of students who have a passion for racing and a goal to fully design and build a formula style car and take it racing. This team has quickly grown and evolved to what it is today with over 30 members spanning 3 different faculties and different levels of study. The purpose of this team is to give University of Windsor students the opportunity to apply what they've learned in the class room to a real world application and improve their skills. All of the work done for this team is done by the students with only minimal guidance from faculty, giving a true sense of independence for the team. This work includes designing, manufacturing, testing, and driving the car as well as the marketing and fundraising for the team. The video below showcases some of the work done by the original team.
Have any questions?
Contact us on social media or use the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible!